Trayvax Wallets at Heinnie Haynes®. Durable wallets and outdoor gear that prepare you for every day and every adventure. Always made in the USA, available here in the UK.
Any wallet that comes supplied with its own torx tool instantly brings itself to our attention. The Trayvax Contour is perhaps Trayvax’s most refined wallet. One can see at a glance that the Contour sets itself apart from the others in the range. The stainless steel plate which forms the backbone of this wallet is not stamped, but CNC-machined. The machining marks are present on the wallet in a very satisfying manner. The trained engineers amongst our customers will be able to spend a good while working out how this steel was worked, and for the rest of us, it looks proper – a real piece of craftsmanship.
The torx tool is provided so that the metal components of the wallet can be loosened, and the leather adjusted to accommodate the number of bank cards that you need to carry with you. It can be adjusted to fit up to 13 cards in the body of the wallet and 10 bank notes behind the rear leather strap. Or favourite piece of adjustability is the circular sliding clasp, which can be moved to the correct position for the eyelet to engage snugly.
The top layer, holding the top-grain, full-tanned leather in place is subtly PVD coated, providing a dark contrast to the highlight of the machined steel. The colour supplied is decribed as “Mississippi Mud” – it’s a lovely, deep brown.
This sleek, slim wallet will develop a patina as you use it, as it moulds itself to your lifestyle. It’s slim enough to work as a front pocket wallet, and will become a firm favourite as part of your EDC.
We particularly like the inspiring message hidden beneath the rear strap – you want to know what it says? There’s only one way to find out…
The Trayvax Contour is sourced and made in the USA. Every Trayvax product comes with a 65-Year Heirloom Warranty, and covered by US Patent D794,591. Trayvax test all of their products for 65 years of durability and stand behind the quality of their gear. Trayvax gear is made to be passed down through the generations.
- TVX-CON-005
- Colour:
- Brown
- Brand:
- Trayvax
- Age Restriction:
- None
- Warranty:
- 65 years
- Materials:
- Stainless Steel and Leather
- Youtube Link:
- 8kwPIYLiEsE
- Dimensions:
- 10 x 6.5 x 2
- Product Weight (g)
- 92
- Newest:
- 2018-08-02 00:00:00
- Shipping Group:
- Parent Base Price:
- 138.95
- Lead Time Dropdown:
- 4 – 6 Weeks
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