Trayvax Wallets at Heinnie Haynes®. Durable wallets and outdoor gear that prepare you for every day and every adventure. Always made in the USA, available here in the UK.
Well, this one took us a little while to work out, here at Heinnie® HQ. This little wallet is made of simple components – all there is to it is are two pieces of stainless steel and a couple of sections of webbing; but it’s ingenious in its construction, and you’ll have great fund demonstrating this to your friends. The wallet is a simple bi-fold, pivoting on the paracord at the base, and held closed with the narrower MIL-SPEC webbing via the eyelet. The wider section of webbing can be adjusted to accommodate the number of bank cards that you need in your life – from a single skinny card, to a chunky 14, to really bulk out this wallet to its full potential. The webbing loop on the rear doubles as a money clip, allowing you to carry your notes securely.
Trayvax tell us that the two sheets of steel act as an effective RFID shield. The wider webbing section has a slim stitched pocket in the “loose” end – we find that it’ll hold about a fiver’s worth of pound coins, or a couple of loose keys, a handy little feature.
The Trayvax Axis is sourced and made in the USA. Every Trayvax product comes with a 65-Year Heirloom Warranty, and covered by US Patent D794,328 and D808,158. Trayvax test all of their products for 65 years of durability and stand behind the quality of their gear. Trayvax gear is made to be passed down through the generations.
Available in a choice of either Silver Tumbled Stainless Steel, or with a very tough Olive Drab Green Cerakote finish, a premium coating giving amazing abrasion resistance, and looking super cool.
- TVX-AXI-00-$$
- Brand:
- Trayvax
- Colour:
- Black
- Age Restriction:
- None
- Warranty:
- 65 year
- Materials:
- Steel
- Youtube Link:
- Dimensions:
- 10.2 x 6.5 x 1.5
- Product Weight (g)
- 45
- Newest:
- 2020-02-13 00:00:00
- Shipping Group:
- Parent Base Price:
- 32.9500
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