Trayvax Wallets at Heinnie Haynes®. Durable wallets and outdoor gear that prepare you for every day and every adventure. Always made in the USA, available here in the UK.
The Trayvax Element is an all-American classic take on the classic leather wallet. This beauty oozes quality. From the chunky 2.5mm stainless steel plate which forms the backbone of this wallet, to the top-grain, oil-tanned leather which encloses your cards, you’ll know that you own something special. The leather is secured to the steel with a length of MIL-SPEC paracord, very well finished off. It’s supplied with instructions on how to mould the leather to the shape of the cards in your EDC. It’ll comfortably carry between one and five bank cards and up to five bank notes held in place on the internal money clip. Of course, no American classic would be complete without a bottle opener, and there’s one built in to the structure of the backbone of this wallet.
The Trayvax Element is sourced and made in the USA. Every Trayvax product comes with a 65-Year Heirloom Warranty, and covered by US Patent D775,824. Trayvax test all of their products for 65 years of durability and stand behind the quality of their gear. Trayvax gear is made to be passed down through the generations.
- TVX-ESS-$$
- Brand:
- Trayvax
- Age Restriction:
- None
- Materials:
- Stainless Steel and Leather
- Youtube Link:
- LKoTmV3vaWE
- Dimensions:
- 10 x 6.5 x 2
- Product Weight (g)
- 96
- Newest:
- 2018-08-31 00:00:00
- Shipping Group:
- Parent Base Price:
- 64.9500
- Lead Time Dropdown:
- 4 – 6 Weeks
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