Trayvax Wallets at Heinnie Haynes®. Durable wallets and outdoor gear that prepare you for every day and every adventure. Always made in the USA, available here in the UK.
The Trayvax Explorer Passport Wallet is a little piece of luxury to accompany you on your travels around the world. Designed to hold a passport and two bank cards, this wallet is crafted from supple, durable Latigo leather.
In your hand, this feels wonderful, smooth and soft, firm and durable. We can see why Trayvax offer their warranty for 65 years. The colour is described as “chestnut” – it’s a rich, deep brown. A reassuring colour.
The as well as the compartments for your passports and cards, there’s a useful area behind the cards for tucking in receipts, ticket stubs, and the kind of ephemera which one collects on one’s travels.
The Trayvax Explorer Passport Wallet is sourced and made in the USA. Every Trayvax product comes with a 65-Year Heirloom Warranty. Trayvax test all of their products for 65 years of durability and stand behind the quality of their gear. Trayvax gear is made to be passed down through the generations.
- Colour:
- Brown
- Brand:
- Trayvax
- Age Restriction:
- None
- Warranty:
- 65 years
- Materials:
- Leather
- Dimensions:
- 14 x 11 x 0.6
- Product Weight (g)
- 68
- Newest:
- 2018-08-02 00:00:00
- Shipping Group:
- Parent Base Price:
- 59.9500
- Lead Time Dropdown:
- 4 – 6 Weeks
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