Trayvax Wallets at Heinnie Haynes®. Durable wallets and outdoor gear that prepare you for every day and every adventure. Always made in the USA, available here in the UK.
The Trayvax Ascent, in this version with black metal core, is one of the most durable and well made wallets that we’ve seen here at Heinnie® HQ. The backbone of the wallet is a chunky, 3mm thick stainless steel plate, sandwiched on each side by a slab of top grain, oil-tanned leather in warm “tobacco brown” colour. The leather is superbly hand-stitched through the steel plate and secured at the base with a pair of brass rivets. The construction lends itself to RFID-security (Interferer).
This wallet is minimalist by design. In your EDC, you probably only need a couple of cards and a few notes. This wallet has space for four bank cards, two on each side. One side is accessed through a finger-push window, the other by a nifty release strap – pull on this and your cards rise out to meet you. There’s a slot in the side into which you can poke your bank notes.
Over time, this wallet will develop a patina and a character unique to you, as it moulds around its contents.
The Trayvax Ascent is sourced and made in the USA. Every Trayvax product comes with a 65-Year Heirloom Warranty. Trayvax test all of their products for 65 years of durability and stand behind the quality of their gear. Trayvax gear is made to be passed down through the generations.
- TVX-ANT-005
- Colour:
- Black
- Materials:
- Stainless Steel and Leather
- Dimensions:
- 10.2 x 7.0
- Product Weight (g)
- 93
- Lead Time Dropdown:
- 14 – 21 Days
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